Tips For Hosting A Wedding Weekend
If you are planning a wedding weekend at a resort hotel and hosting several friends and family members, it is important that you ensure that everyone is entertained while they are there. Don't feel like you must have a strict schedule for each hour of the day, but do have some events in place for your guests who wish to participate. Here are some tips to consider:
Plan A Cocktail Party
When you are planning a wedding weekend at a resort hotel, the goal is to spend time with your friends and loved ones. One way to do this is to plan a welcome cocktail party on the evening that everyone arrives. Your guests will likely be hungry, thirsty, and ready to visit with you. This get-together does not have to be a fancy or extravagant affair, especially with the big wedding day coming up. Just plan to have some light items on a buffet table with a few drink options. Hotels are used to planning these events, so do not hesitate to ask about planning a welcome party.
Plan Enough Events
In addition to planning a cocktail party, be sure you plan some additional events for your guests to enjoy. Think of some things you can do with your guests that you will all enjoy, but remember to keep it low stress. Keep in mind that there's no rule that says you have to always be with all of your guests at one time. Consider having your parents host a gathering for their friends and older family members while you do something with your bridesmaids and close friends. You can plan a fun shopping trip, get manicures, or just go out for a nice lunch. In the evening, be sure to get together with everyone for a meal or wine tasting.
Avoid Staying Out Too Late
While you are having a nice time with your guests, be sure you set a time for the evening to end. Your wedding is a big event, and you are going to need your rest. While partying all night at a dance club may sound like fun, it will not be so pleasant the next day when you feel terrible and have dark circles under your eyes for your wedding day. Instead, plan your events at the hotel itself where you can have some control over how long they last. Midnight is an ideal time to round out the night, but it can be earlier if you wish.
Wedding weekends are a fantastic time for everyone involved, but it does require a lot of planning ahead. Be sure to contact your hotel months in advance with your plans so to ensure there is enough space to host the events that you are planning for your guests. Ask the hotel about wedding specials or luxury suites. A penthouse view or a river's edge suite may be the perfect finishing touch for your wedding weekend experience.